
About Grandmother Mepi, aka Maria, aka Kirianne, …

Maria, the name Grandmother Mepi received at birth in this lifetime, was born in The Netherlands, Europe on February, 14th. The story of her upbringing is filled with challenges, both for her and her surroundings. The many extraordinary powers she was gifted with at birth at some times were both a blessing and a curse during childhood. Maria now prefers to use Mepi as her name.

Having become an adult, Mepi more and more used her powers to heal people and to reflect others on their choices and help them view, recognize and accept their inner powers. What was “a fact of life” for her (her many gifts), did not seem to be so for the people that surrounded her. Gradually, this difference became more and more obvious to her and she realized that she wasn’t the “no-good” she was told she was as a child by the ones who raised her.

Accepting your true powers as a human being and seeing your true inner beauty is always a bit of a challenge and this was no less for Mepi.

Feedback and Recognition

Mepi is a full-blown medium, she channels since birth. Seeing another person’s energy field (any living thing, actually) is “default”. She has no recollection of this being otherwise. She is constantly “in contact” with “The Universe” (Great Spirit) through many different channels, entities, dimensions and energies. Countless conversations with spirits and energies are part of her daily (and night-time) life. Many have called her by different names (see just a few in the title above), that refer to one or more of her past incarnations here on Earth. Started late 2014, energies that felt like the Native American culture came by and fed her with information about her life in the 1600’s. She asked her partner Ilan to take notes and write his part of the story. This resulted in a book published on november, 10th 2023. See here for more details (link to dutch language site)

On one occasion earlier on, October 2012, during a channel in Belgium (Europe), the spirit White Bull introduced himself and spoke to her of Mepi’s earlier works (AD1600’s) and her “status”. He reinstated her title “Grandmother Mepi”. At that time, it didn’t make much sense to Mepi and she let it go. It took her another three years in this life to realize what this meant, to reconnect to it and to accept her heritage, powers and the title “grandmother” once again. This happened after a few more channels and pushes by the spirits Tangaroa, Viracocha, Takanaka, Black Thunder, Grey Eagle, Elrah and Star.


She currently lives in Lier, Belgium and is married (again) to Ilan. She speaks Dutch, English and German. She channels, writes, mirrors, draws, tweets and many more. Grandmother Mepi has her own official Facebook Page, a Facebook Group and a  YouTube channel as well. This website is meant to provide you with more information about Grandmother Mepi and her works.

Grandmother Mepi passes on messages from Great Spirit in a free of charge email that you can receive once a week. Sign up through this form.

Together with Ilan, she has created the company MEPILAN (Mepi + Ilan), which allows them to create and distribute their works throughout the world and embark on the many assignments that Great Spirit wants them to. You can find her (dutch language) website here. Both Mepi and Ilan their work is grounded in the love of Great Spirit. They know from experience how The Universe works and apply the Law of Attraction on a daily basis. The “Thoughts Become Things” principles form the basis of their successful approach in guiding clients towards the better versions of themselves. You can support their work by making an appointment for a healing session or private counselling, attending workshops and seminars, or by buying one of her books or ordering specific artwork.

You can leave a message through this mail address, you can also find more information about her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Grandmother Mepi’s website has been created and is managed by Mepilan. Our T&C’s, privacy and cookies policy can be viewed on their website mepilan.com.

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